Principal's Message

I would like to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year.  As we move into the next chapter of our school district, Barnwell County Consolidated School District, we will continue the deep traditions of Blackville-Hilda High School.
All of us at BHHS look forward to seeing our students. I truly believe that our students benefit most when they are in the building, being guided by high quality teachers and having high quality instruction. I find BHHS to be an amazing learning community, powered by an amazing team of teachers and staff who really care about our students.
Everyone will be held accountable for their learning, with a focus on good behavior, and a sense of community.  We need to keep those things in mind and everything else will fall into place.  Students need to know that we are here to help them be productive, successful members of our community.  
This year I am asking for everyone to focus our efforts in making sure every student is successful. Success for each student will look different, but success is the goal, whether it is academic, athletic, or social-emotional, all students need to feel and have success.